Job board

120 minutes


Create a job board that pulls the latest job postings from HackerNews. You will use the HackerNews API to pull down a list of post IDs for the latest job posts, fetch metadata for the latest 9, display them, and allow the user to load more.

You can use the GET /jobstories endpoint to get a list of the latest job post IDs, and the GET /item/<POST_ID> endpoint to get the metadata for an individual post.

The post data.title includes both the company name and information on the role as a single string: you will need to parse these to format the card correctly.


  • The latest 9 job postings are displayed along with company name,
  • Company name (and YC(22), if present) is displayed at the top of the card
  • The Is hiring... text should be displayed in the center of the card
  • The date (in whichever day/month/year format you'd like) should be displayed at the bottom of the card
  • If the job metadata includes a URL, clicking a card should open the URL in a new tab
  • If the job metadata does not include a URL, clicking a card should open<POST_ID> in a new tab
  • Clicking 'Load more' should fetch and display the next 6 job posts


  • You should only fetch the metadata for the latest 9 posts on load, and 6 more every time the user presses 'Load more'
  • data.title from the GET /item/<POST_ID> endpoint is nearly always in the format COMPANY_NAME [(YC21)] Is hiring.... If you come across other formats (e.g. COMPANY_NAME is looking for) you can choose to either ignore these edge cases, or handle them

API endpoints

Get the latest job post IDs

Get the metadata for a single posts

  • Method: GET
  • URL:
  • Example response (with URL):
    "by": "some-user",
    "id": 1234567,
    "score": 1,
    "time": 1642593662,
    "title": "AcmeCo Is Hiring Frontend engineers",
    "type": "job",
    "url": ""
  • Example response (with text):
    "by": "some-user",
    "id": 1234567,
    "score": 1,
    "time": 1642593662,
    "title": "AcmeCo Is Hiring Frontend engineers",
    "type": "job",
    "text": "Hi everyone! This is a sample response that doesn't include a URL and instead links to an HN post"

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  2. Submit your solution here


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