Rolling dice
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Community solutions
Done with react
Rolling dice (React) 3D
Rolling dice solution with 3D dice built with CSS.
Rolling Dice
Create with React
Rolling dice
Vanilla JS
Dice Game
2 player dice game each player has 4 tries 1 at a time
2 Player Dice Game
You just click the roll button each player has 4 rolls
Dice Roller
Dice roller in vanilla js
Simple solution
It's a simple solution from a novice programmer. Hit like if you want to motivate me.
Quick and dirty react solution
just that, quick and dirty
React Version
Dice with inner div used to layout points making css easy
React solution
generate array using input and then store in the state, then map throught the array and generate classNames to style accordingly
Rolling Dice
Rolling Dice in vanilla JS
[Vanilla JS]Display grid, templates, form, submit event
Created using vanilla js with display grid, templates, form, submit event, I didn't want to spend too much time on css so that's why styling is minimalistic
Rolling Dice
Generate given number of dices and enables users to roll.
Rolling Dice
Create a dice roller application that can roll anywhere from 1-99 six-sided dice. The dice should be displayed in rows of three.
Rolling dice - Vanilla JS
Rolling dice
Rolling Dice Question [React]
Rolling Dice question using react!
React Rolling dice
Rolling Dice question implemented in React