Infinitely scrolling tiles

90 minutes


Create infinitely scrolling rows of puppies and kittens


  • There should be two different scrolling rows of images
  • The first row should scroll at 20 pixels per second, and the second at 10 pixels per second
  • Once all the images in a row have scrolled, they row should seamlessly start again from the beginning
  • Hovering over a row should halve the scrolling speed
  • Hovering over an image should reduce the opacity to 50%
  • Clicking on an image should display it below the scrolling rows
  • Clicking the 'Paws' button should pause both rows and change the button label to 'Play'. Clicking again should continue scrolling


  • You can use the images below, or choose your own!
const puppies = [

const kittens = [

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